Thursday, October 5, 2017

Stepping Stones

Brandi McCain & Kim Barbee-Tucker: Kids Crts & Schools 10/5/17 Domestic Violence Presentation; Mt. Vernon, IL
Milestone or Bucketlist, either way today was a major accomplishment for me. We all have times in our lives that define what we want to be about. Its when or accomplishments unfold our dreams, right before us. Today was my first Conference Presentation. As I looked over the room I felt my knees go weak and my heart start to pound. There was standing room only. The hardest part began to be how to introduce myself. I had practiced the speech several times but not once had I attempted to give a description of who I was and what my accomplishments had been. I had listened to other speakers tell about theirselves but reviewing my accomplishments met that I would have to admit a starting point, an area of growth and a standing place that I was currently at. When you come from a background of Domestic Violence, giving yourself a pat on the back for a well done isnt always an easy task. Actually, quite often, building confidence is something that you have to work at. Today was the start to a Journey that I hope will continue. The belief of "More God, Less Me" was really helpfull. Thank you to several of my friends, their friends and all the prayers. Thank you for backing me up. Even my old boss was there. You all will not ever realize how much you empowered me just by you being in the room. A special thank you to Brandi for all your directing and correcting. It was nice to have your corrective guidance even if you were silent most of the time. You still got your point across. Thanks for not giving up on my obsessiveness. Well, here is to the start of a new Journey. Thanks to each of you who took the time to help the presentation happen. You know who you are and what your role has been. You never know what tomorrow may hold. Thanks for giving me stepping stones and leading me on to the next one.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

A Trace of Mom

The day I was born I was lucky enough to feel Gods grace and he blessed me with one of the most beautiful loving mothers that he put on this earth. As I grew older I began to realize that not all moms were like my mom. She was warm and tender but she was strict and wise in her teachings. She taught me to look for the best in others while being careful as to protect myself from what dangers some can also contain. At a young age I lost her to cancer and I quickly learned to appreciate every minute that I could recall. My mom had been my best friend and teacher. It was not that she was always perfect or that I always did what she told me. It was more the fact that she was always there. No matter what I did or said, my mom let me know that she loved me and would listen even if I didn't like what her response was going to be. She had been my conscience and my backbone in multiple trials during our short 21 years together. So, when she left me I felt cheated and lost. I was angry and felt like God had left me alone.
 In time I started to discover that life wasn't all about me as a whole. It was about my interpretation on life and what God lies in and on our "Path" of life. I started to smile again at some of the most beautiful things. One day it was a baby laughing. The smile on her mothers face and the laughter that followed her daughters almost made tears come to my eyes. On another day I overheard a child asking her mom where babys come from. I waited quietly to see how she explained it to her. Was it the stork that delivered or was it an anatomy lesson with few details. Then came a day where I heard the comment, "Mom, do you think Johnny will always think that I am ugly?" That time mom tenderly searched for her words but I saw her look at the little girls dad and tell him shh because his desire was to search out this little boy who had been so mean to his princess. Moms are not just consolars to us, they are peace keepers to all involved.
As I continued to look through the many moments that we experience on the sidelines with other people, I began to find multiple stories that brought a trace of my own mom to my mind. I found that a smile on my face began to be a heart full of love that never died. Countless many other times I saw other moms slow down their fast paced lives just to explain to their children how life works. So many blessings in forms of kindness being smiles exchanged, cards, presents or just tight hugs and some soft spoken words.
 Mothers are all around us and although I may miss my own I have to give credit to some of the beautiful ones around me. I soon decided that its ok to miss my mom but its so much better to look for the wisdom that she brought to me in some of the other mothers. A mothers heart carries so much love, patience and understanding. They never truly leave us. Thankfully, if you take a moment and experience the world around you, you might just hear a familiar conversation. Most mothers bare the same soul. If your lucky, maybe you might just be asked for your wise opinion or a hug. Either one of these request from another mother or someone elses child, is a beautiful moment worth making a memory of. So I ask you, where can you find a trace of your mother? Better yet, where will your child find a trace of you?

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Changing Views

A road well traveled

There are times that I can sit and grin and just think about the past with a certain kind of admiration. We all have highs and lows that we live in our lives but there are also changing events that mold us and make us exactly who we are suppose to be. I often wonder, what if? What if I would have kissed that boy? What if I would have went to school for this or that instead of Social Work. There are so many questions that a person could ask, but if you stay to long on those thoughts you might drive yourself insane.
Truth is, what if you would have done something different in your life? It all seems to have a way of working destiny back to where and who you are supposed to be. A lot of us believe that we are in control of our own lives. That's fine if you are one of those people, however, do you ever notice how things happen in your life to wind you around to a place that fits the person that you are. If your road that you choose hasn't put you at a comfortable place, then perhaps you need to change the road your on. Life isn't meant to be so hard. Its more of a Journey then it is anything.
They say that with age we become more hardened. Is it really that we are becoming rough around the edges or is it that we are reevaluating what's in our lives. Money is nice and at a certain age it becomes a necessity in order to take care of ourselves, however, its people who really make our worlds have meaning. We see life in a more simpler form. Why make life any more complicated than it has to be. Learn to laugh a little more instead of argue. Learning to choose the battles in life that are not so judgmental are the victories won. Do we really become angry because someone did something wrong or was the real truth that they didn't do it our way so we feel offended. Learn from watching others and not so much from speaking about what we have learned over the years. Some of us just want to be heard, not talked over. The ones who respect you and look to you for guidance will find their way to your front door. They wont forget your positive traits. They may on occasion need to be reminded to slow down and to breathe, but wait for them to look to you for answers. The young ones need a chance to discover a little about life before they can actually discuss it with us. People, especially our loved ones, are complicated. Just when you think you have them all figured out they go and change on you.
So, I guess with age, an insight must seem to develop. Life just isn't as powerful as it once was. Now, I am not saying that its not as important. What I am saying is that as we age we begin to look for the moments and situations in our lives that define our Journeys. The way we are viewed, the people who we have encountered, our Legacy left behind. All these things become more of a learning and teaching tool. What will others remember about me and what I have done, or said? Did anyone actually learn from either my mistakes or accomplishments? Living examples can say more about life and what it holds then any stories. Being careless becomes a thing of the past. As a person, it seems more important to teach the next generation about living and caring for others. The "Power" comes from relationships, the looking, sharing, teaching each other about how to be happy and enjoy the God given beauty right in front of us. It becomes less about me and more about the us in relationships. A different, changing view develops and the next Journey begins. Where are you at on your Journey?

Sunday, February 12, 2017

"Teamwork" Making the World Around us Work for Us All.

When a smile finds it way to your heart as well as your face then you know that whatever is going on is a natural event. One where it just happens and does not have to be forced because its fake. Some moments just make you realize that when people feel the need to work as a whole for the better good of all involved then the pieces just seem to fall together naturally.
Living life as a Social Worker you can see so many different events in life, both good and bad. Perhaps, its because of the volume of people that we meet, greet and try to assist. Then again it could be the number of children that we "can meet" that seem to be lost and losing more ground everyday in this complicated world. There are good and troubled people every where we look but when you look closer you can see generations of people learning to live in a whole new way.
Many of our children are learning to adapt to some of the adults and yes even some of their own peers that they can find troublesome in their lives. The children are learning to become strong early on with the help of many advocates that pull together not only to assist the children who are hurting but their families as well.
Though I have talked about the pain involved and the difficulties that develop out of what some  children go through, this is not completely why I write this story. For today, I wanna point out that its noted how many people in this world have hard jobs. The number of those people who physically and mentally fall apart each day as they head home to their own families is unbelievable. My intentions, are to praise all those workers who sometimes turn their heads, or at least want to,  so others don't see them cry. Others who walk in a different room or at least make it to their vehicles after a  long day and cry because they just don't know if they helped someone make a good decision or not. If they used the exact words the person needed to know when a child or an adult ask them if they have to go back to the place that they keep getting hurt at. So many of us advocates in this world are there to assist but all to many times we are a band-aid on the situations. The important part is that we never stop trying to make someones world a little better. Its true that we could harp on all the bad things that we see but then who would be left to tell about all the positives that come out of some of this worlds biggest disasters.
We all learn from what we see and experience from the world we live in. Whether we are an adult or a young child we learn and develop into bigger and better or at least more complicated decision makers.
I recently have watched a team of advocates share details and work with other legal advocates to change lives in this world. They were awesome as they gave information, accepted information, listened to suggestions and openly discussed new directions. It was a reminder to me that being an advocate is not about who is right or wrong or even who can do more than another. Its about joining together for whatever population you are helping at the time. Presenting a strong front while being open to new suggestions and direction for all involved. Its about being a "Team Player." A strong person, an assertive but not aggressive person who is willing to practice "TEAMWORK." I am lucky to have some team players on my team and to be fortunate enough to see many other advocates work along side each other for the betterment of all involved. I want to send out a special praise to not only all the Team players I know but many others that I hear about everyday. Without us, without all of you advocates, many of those we help would be lost and left to wonder. Thank You for all you do! Alone we are a voice but together we are a force to be reckoned with!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Standing Alone

When we are small children we tend to look for strong arms. For someone to love and direct us to a world thats safe and secure. A place where we learn and grow to be wise and content. Its a world that seems to only exist when we are little. Reality sets in that we are safe as long as we hold true to the beliefs from when we were children. Our beliefs have a way of branching us out, molding us and making us who we are meant to be. The days spent fishing with grandpa or cooking with grandma seem to disappear over the years. Perhaps our memories are a little different. For me and my cousins, it was "mud pies" on grandmas front porch and grandpas games of being "a bump on a log." Occasionally it was the smell of grandmas friend chicken, mashed potatoes and milk gravy. Still those smells bring a smile to my face. Just the thought of Grandpa and his "Juicy Fruit gum." So many warm memories and the sounds of voices that kept me encouraged day after day to attempt to fill my dreams, whatever they may have been. Now we have grandchildren of our own and I often think of and wonder what memories they will hold dear to them. What will I do or say that will keep them safe and secure in the future to come. Will it be a word, an action or maybe several different combinations. The belief has become, to find a daily positive in our lives because you never know what might make them strong in years to come. What they might take with them in their struggles. What moment might they think of that will help them to branch out and reach for what they want. Begining from a young age, character is born and encouraged.... to stand alone is inevitable but "Standing Alone" with memories backing us is amazing and thats what keeps us strong through whatever may come our way...