When a smile finds it way to your heart as well as your face then you know that whatever is going on is a natural event. One where it just happens and does not have to be forced because its fake. Some moments just make you realize that when people feel the need to work as a whole for the better good of all involved then the pieces just seem to fall together naturally.
Living life as a Social Worker you can see so many different events in life, both good and bad. Perhaps, its because of the volume of people that we meet, greet and try to assist. Then again it could be the number of children that we "can meet" that seem to be lost and losing more ground everyday in this complicated world. There are good and troubled people every where we look but when you look closer you can see generations of people learning to live in a whole new way.
Many of our children are learning to adapt to some of the adults and yes even some of their own peers that they can find troublesome in their lives. The children are learning to become strong early on with the help of many advocates that pull together not only to assist the children who are hurting but their families as well.
Though I have talked about the pain involved and the difficulties that develop out of what some children go through, this is not completely why I write this story. For today, I wanna point out that its noted how many people in this world have hard jobs. The number of those people who physically and mentally fall apart each day as they head home to their own families is unbelievable. My intentions, are to praise all those workers who sometimes turn their heads, or at least want to, so others don't see them cry. Others who walk in a different room or at least make it to their vehicles after a long day and cry because they just don't know if they helped someone make a good decision or not. If they used the exact words the person needed to know when a child or an adult ask them if they have to go back to the place that they keep getting hurt at. So many of us advocates in this world are there to assist but all to many times we are a band-aid on the situations. The important part is that we never stop trying to make someones world a little better. Its true that we could harp on all the bad things that we see but then who would be left to tell about all the positives that come out of some of this worlds biggest disasters.
We all learn from what we see and experience from the world we live in. Whether we are an adult or a young child we learn and develop into bigger and better or at least more complicated decision makers.
I recently have watched a team of advocates share details and work with other legal advocates to change lives in this world. They were awesome as they gave information, accepted information, listened to suggestions and openly discussed new directions. It was a reminder to me that being an advocate is not about who is right or wrong or even who can do more than another. Its about joining together for whatever population you are helping at the time. Presenting a strong front while being open to new suggestions and direction for all involved. Its about being a "Team Player." A strong person, an assertive but not aggressive person who is willing to practice "TEAMWORK." I am lucky to have some team players on my team and to be fortunate enough to see many other advocates work along side each other for the betterment of all involved. I want to send out a special praise to not only all the Team players I know but many others that I hear about everyday. Without us, without all of you advocates, many of those we help would be lost and left to wonder. Thank You for all you do! Alone we are a voice but together we are a force to be reckoned with!