A road well traveled |
There are times that I can sit and grin and just think about the past with a certain kind of admiration. We all have highs and lows that we live in our lives but there are also changing events that mold us and make us exactly who we are suppose to be. I often wonder, what if? What if I would have kissed that boy? What if I would have went to school for this or that instead of Social Work. There are so many questions that a person could ask, but if you stay to long on those thoughts you might drive yourself insane.
Truth is, what if you would have done something different in your life? It all seems to have a way of working destiny back to where and who you are supposed to be. A lot of us believe that we are in control of our own lives. That's fine if you are one of those people, however, do you ever notice how things happen in your life to wind you around to a place that fits the person that you are. If your road that you choose hasn't put you at a comfortable place, then perhaps you need to change the road your on. Life isn't meant to be so hard. Its more of a Journey then it is anything.
They say that with age we become more hardened. Is it really that we are becoming rough around the edges or is it that we are reevaluating what's in our lives. Money is nice and at a certain age it becomes a necessity in order to take care of ourselves, however, its people who really make our worlds have meaning. We see life in a more simpler form. Why make life any more complicated than it has to be. Learn to laugh a little more instead of argue. Learning to choose the battles in life that are not so judgmental are the victories won. Do we really become angry because someone did something wrong or was the real truth that they didn't do it our way so we feel offended. Learn from watching others and not so much from speaking about what we have learned over the years. Some of us just want to be heard, not talked over. The ones who respect you and look to you for guidance will find their way to your front door. They wont forget your positive traits. They may on occasion need to be reminded to slow down and to breathe, but wait for them to look to you for answers. The young ones need a chance to discover a little about life before they can actually discuss it with us. People, especially our loved ones, are complicated. Just when you think you have them all figured out they go and change on you.
So, I guess with age, an insight must seem to develop. Life just isn't as powerful as it once was. Now, I am not saying that its not as important. What I am saying is that as we age we begin to look for the moments and situations in our lives that define our Journeys. The way we are viewed, the people who we have encountered, our Legacy left behind. All these things become more of a learning and teaching tool. What will others remember about me and what I have done, or said? Did anyone actually learn from either my mistakes or accomplishments? Living examples can say more about life and what it holds then any stories. Being careless becomes a thing of the past. As a person, it seems more important to teach the next generation about living and caring for others. The "Power" comes from relationships, the looking, sharing, teaching each other about how to be happy and enjoy the God given beauty right in front of us. It becomes less about me and more about the us in relationships. A different, changing view develops and the next Journey begins. Where are you at on your Journey?