Monday, October 3, 2011

In our Worlds

Challenges are many in our world but the greatest ones are made up of learning about those around us. We all live differently and we all really do come from different worlds. After four nights and five days in the big city so many things came to light.

You can observe the mounds of people from corner to corner but to see them as individuals can seem to hard to bare at times. As we walked down the streets we saw one different face after another but quite often we were told not to look the ones in the face that were of a suspicious nature. My question is, define suspicious?

A face of a different color or a language of another. There were groups of gathering and then there was aloneness, So many yet so few. Sad feeling came over us to see and eat in so many wonderful top notched restaurants and on the same night to see old bones and left- overs dug out of the trash cans on the streets. People, happy and laughing on the street side as they ate and just a few feet from them were others in doubt of their survival from day to day.

On Michigan Ave so many beautiful and expensive luxuries to grace the home and pull from the pockets yet we saw gold and silver as they panhandled on the street side to the sound of music. For a moment you were entertained until the whistles blew and the men in blue came.

The true beauty of the city was the reminder that human touch means the same in any place. The love and development, the guidance of a child and their mother. The holding of the hand of the one your with and the laughing and smiling as they walk hand in hand. The kindness of a simple person. So many lovers of mans best friend even right down to their own parks and walks, many more in the city then expected.

Now away from all the evidence and back into this real world the city will not be forgotten. The experience is one of many blessings and new discoveries that have become new to others. A story to tell has many avenues and this one will be held as an adventure of still more visits to come.

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