Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Feeling of Insight

There are days that life seems to slide in when we are not looking. A word, a sound or a sight that leads to a thought that brings a smile to our face. Enlightens our hearts and makes us happy for just a few extra minutes in the day. Moments that many of us share but sometimes pass by so quickly that we fail to hold onto the feelings that they bring. Life is not always about what we can earn or make in a day. Its more about who and what makes up our lifetime. What is the creamy center of us created from.The filling inside that makes us whole. We all have a smiling point. A moment where we realize, if even for a second, that life has something to offer us. So then why do we speed up those moments and tend to run quickly away from them. Take a few minutes and spread the moment by sharing your smile with someone else. You never know when you may be their feeling of insight! Their moment of hearing that word, that sound or seeing that sight that brings the smile. You may be exactly what they needed. Who knows, it could be, that they were really the moment that you needed. Make a choice to make a difference......

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