Sunday, September 13, 2015


To move up, to move back or just to move forward. Its in the eyes of the beholder. In the belief system that tells us we can. Its easy to get stuck in one place and feel like the world is either closed or closing around us. Suffocation is when you just dont know what way to go. Which way is up or which way is progress. A frame of mind as some say. Pray..and then pray some more.
When we are lost we can most often find ourselves begging for help. In a time of need we look towards our higher power. For many of us...for me...that higher power is God. We find our strength in prayer, songs and in worshiping together. We search for miracles, for comfort to warm our very hearts and souls. We look for that strength of "Mobility" in one way or another. As my preacher reminded me this morning, "Start off with a positive thought for the day!" Pray your heart out and then pray it out again. There is not room in our hearts for doubts and anger, disbelief and hate all of these things at the same time. Force them out and believe that if a Miracle is about to happen then there is only one being who is behind that dream. Stay positive even in  the times when you can barely hear yourself breathing because positivity grows more positivity. Just decide what you want for your life and the direction that you want to go and MOVE....believe, pray and demand as God requires us to pray for what we want. Just remember, the mobility we find may not always be the direction that we maybe the direction that you, ...or someone else watching is in need of. Sometimes our lives are forever changed for reasons that we may never understand but God does everything with a power of certainty and direction! Someone is always learning from someone else!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Never Ending Road

There are moments when we can easily doubt the world around us. How did we come to the place where we are. Did we take a wrong turn or was it a right turn. There are just days that we can momentarily get lost in the right direction. 
When we set out to live our lives on a plan we draw out the years and the finances but yet we forget that these are wishes and dreams. These are not concrete happenings. The forks in the road sometimes are not always as clear cut as we wish they were.
Take some time out to really look at your life and think about what makes you whole and complete. Life can change in mid stream and just when we think our plan is almost successful.....God shows us his! Maybe you will find yourself exactly where you want to be in ten years but then again...Maybe your dreams are not quite the most important. There are always new possibilities for a never ending start to a fresh new any age...

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Loving Touch

Days of hard work and nights of wonderment can occasionally form a hole inside of your heart. The why do I struggle? Why do I try so hard only to feel like a never ending failure? Life gets pretty hard sometimes for the young and the old. I sat and watched the little boy begin to cry. For whatever reason my urge to get up and comfort him was restrained. After only a few seconds I saw a little girl sit down beside him and start to comfort him. She began softly telling him it would be ok. It would be time to go home soon. They only had an hour and mom would be there to get them. Realizing it was his sister I begin to understand why God held me in one place. His tears stopped and a smile came over his face. They began to giggle and then another little boy joined them. It was their big brother.
As I set there and watched quietly my coworker had come out and set beside me. She began to tell me how well I was doing and as she spoke I could feel the frustration and struggle of why do I try begin to soften. I too had been struggling and silently crying, wanting to go home. Life had won a battle in two hearts on this day. For A little boy and a grown woman both were in need of a "Loving Touch" So, next time you may see someone struggling and doubt that you can do anything to comfort them, think again.  All you need is a kind word, a soft smile and a simple tender loving touch to change someone's whole world.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


There are times in this world that you can see so many opportunities that are right in front of you but the ability to pick what fits you most becomes a blur. The world is enriched with ways of living and choices that we have to make everyday. So many blessings but we have to reach and search for what we want and where our groove is that we fit into. Our motivation, our inner drive is what guides us in making our decisions. For some of us we just dive into where we think we should be. Whether its a career, a relationship or even just a way of life that seems to help us feel more the way we learn to call comfortable. For many others of us we are taught that even though we can hold the world in our hands and make decisions as to what parts of it we want to be part of....God or a higher power is the one who needs to guide us in all areas of our life. 
Decisions that determine where we belong are only hard if we let them be. Sometimes its easy to fight our place in this world because we let OUR LIGHT, our joy be tamed by our fears. It doesn't matter how old we are or how hindered we may feel inside...fear is fear and it can place us in a holding path very quickly. Everyone has potential but sometimes it takes others whose Light is fully shining to make us see what our direction is suppose to be. We must realize that its OK to be afraid from time to time but don't let the fear suffocate you! Have faith, find your inner self and reach for your dreams....YOUR LIGHT.......YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN A LIGHT FOR A REASON. SEARCH IT OUT!