To move up, to move back or just to move forward. Its in the eyes of the beholder. In the belief system that tells us we can. Its easy to get stuck in one place and feel like the world is either closed or closing around us. Suffocation is when you just dont know what way to go. Which way is up or which way is progress. A frame of mind as some say. Pray..and then pray some more.
When we are lost we can most often find ourselves begging for help. In a time of need we look towards our higher power. For many of us...for me...that higher power is God. We find our strength in prayer, songs and in worshiping together. We search for miracles, for comfort to warm our very hearts and souls. We look for that strength of "Mobility" in one way or another. As my preacher reminded me this morning, "Start off with a positive thought for the day!" Pray your heart out and then pray it out again. There is not room in our hearts for doubts and anger, disbelief and hate all of these things at the same time. Force them out and believe that if a Miracle is about to happen then there is only one being who is behind that dream. Stay positive even in the times when you can barely hear yourself breathing because positivity grows more positivity. Just decide what you want for your life and the direction that you want to go and MOVE....believe, pray and demand as God requires us to pray for what we want. Just remember, the mobility we find may not always be the direction that we maybe the direction that you, ...or someone else watching is in need of. Sometimes our lives are forever changed for reasons that we may never understand but God does everything with a power of certainty and direction! Someone is always learning from someone else!
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