Tuesday, March 20, 2018


It’s been an empowering weekend full of discoveries and emotions. The weekend started with time being spent with friends who share my faith. It lead into a second day of inspiration, hard work and recognition of important moments in my life. This week being the 29th anniversary of my mom’s passing, it is always a time of reminiscing.  One of the ladies demanded that we think about the times in our lives where we approached a life changing interaction. An interaction that forever created a different path on this road we travel called a Journey.
My earliest memory I can think of was when my dad owned his own mechanics shop in Kinmundy. I was maybe in the second or third grade and there was a family that their car had broken down. I remember that day that we had a few extra mouths to feed. After that day, I seem to see my parents in a bit of a different light. When my mom and dad separated I continued to see my mom and her giving soul. I always said she was a Social Worker without a degree and the very reason why I decided to become one.
Over my teenage years, I was a bit of a handful, too say the least. My mom never gave up on trying to teach me lessons with each new mistake that I would make. She would always tell me that she wasn’t perfect but try to stop and think what she would do if she had the same problem that I was facing. In fact, she just wanted me to stop and think before I foolishly made my decisions. Back then I could be quite impulsive. I think it was just part of me and having attention deficit disorder.
I survived my childhood years. Between God and mom, somehow, I came out ornery, but I flourished. The same year I turned eighteen I graduated with honors, got married and had my son. Some say that eighteen is to young, but God blessed me. It wasn’t too many years later that we found out I couldn’t have any more kids. God had a plan and that little boy kept me on the straight and narrow and focused. He was just as ornery as I had once been.
Over time I had my share of wrongs and rights, ups and downs and with mom’s guidance and wisdom that she made me search for, I became a Social Worker with a degree. I found times of struggle and times of miracles but in the end,  I always found my way back to God and mom.
Mom’s come in all shapes and sizes, some blood and others not. Some teach with a loving hand while others teach by showing us things that we swear we will never expose our kids too. We learn and grow and develop into the people we are molded to be. Thank heavens none of our moms are perfect. As kids we also need to see that its ok to be human and mess up. It makes us learn to appreciate life more.
Morale of my story, I miss my mom daily, but her love and her wisdom are part of me in every path I walk down. I make my own choices in this life and I suffer my own consequences however; my moms voice and warm embrace will always guide me towards my tomorrows. I am thankful for every moment that I saw my mom reach out to others to help them. She taught me the value of giving and caring for others. As the years continue to pass I want to keep in mind what another friend told me this weekend. If she is remembered by just one person for helping someone then she has lead a fulfilling and meaningful life. My mother’s life was full of helping others, as is my friend’s life. Their legacies will live on as being known as such. So, a special thank you going out to my mother today! Thank you for making me think about more in this world than just myself! For showing me how to be true to what makes the world a better place and for remembering that Gods got a plan. I may not like everything that happens in my life but if I have any faith at all, God will take care of the rest. I only pray that my Legacy will be an inkling of my mothers. Stay true to what you know in your heart is right. The rest will come your way a step at a time. You just have to have Faith and believe. Thank you, mom, For teaching me to BELIEVE!



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