Thursday, February 10, 2011

Crazy Ones

Sometimes the world at a glance can seem so unpredictable and scary. Its like setting on a geyser waiting for it too gush. These are the crazy days! The days when you just don't want to get out of bed because you know that your world just doesn't feel quite right. Then there are days that life is just waiting to complete you. It tempts you into feeling the right path that you should be heading down.As you silently struggle, or not, to do as you are directed. Some days are just not about making decisions. They are more based on trying to just survive through the hours of the day. For some of us it may even be better to just put those legs back under the cover and close your eyes. Sleep and pray for all the beautiful dreams in the day. Tomorrow you will wake up, a new person but your happiness will depend on your outlook for the day. So, think good and be positive. Reach as high as you can to find what makes you happy!

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