Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A state of mind

A state of mind, of friction , of ease. A way to believe in the world and in yourself. I sometimes think that everybody needs a good cleansing. To cry until you just cant cry anymore. It helps to regenerate the soul. I sometimes clear my mind and regenerate just believing that tomorrow I will be better but for now I am entitled to do as I please and yell and scream at the top of my lungs if that is what I feel that I need to do. The common soul is so fragile and sometimes we all can feel like we are coming apart at the seems. The reality is that everybody has stress in their lives and its probably Gods way of letting us all remember just how human and imperfect we truly are. There is always going to be someone around that makes us feel......mmmm not truly appreciated. They over look all the things that we do or how we feel. I have dedicated my life to what I do. In a sense it has become me. I am always ready (unfortunately) to take on one more task. At least until I get up the strength to say no more and demand something else of myself and the people around me. So until then I and others like me, need to learn to breath and really look at our state of mind. We need to see the people around us and what is important and what can wait. So,slow down, breath and make your state of mind an ease.

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